Felony conviction records dorsey h jones va
Felony conviction records dorsey h jones va

felony conviction records dorsey h jones va

These and other key questions will be addressed when you work with one of our experienced DUI/DWI lawyers.ĭUI representation has two key components. Mitigating circumstances: Was there some other explanation to account for erratic behavior that led the police officer to the conclusion that you were driving drunk - perhaps a diabetic condition or other medical emergency?.The validity and reliability of the blood or breath test, if you submitted one: Had the Breathalyzer been properly maintained and calibrated?.The legality of the traffic stop: Was the police officer justified in stopping you in the first place? Or might harassment or discrimination have been involved in the stop?.If a DUI defense lawyer from Barnes & Diehl, P.C., is on your side, we are likely to look closely at several important factors, such as: Many people find it useful or necessary to rely on the help of a strong defense lawyer after a DUI arrest. We understand the seriousness of DUI charges, both short term (possible loss of driving privileges, large fines, possible jail time) and long term (increased auto insurance rates, risk to job security, credit report issues, the perils of a criminal record and other negative consequences. Contact an experienced, aggressive DUI defense attorney at the law offices of Barnes & Diehl, P.C., in Richmond/Chesterfield, Henrico or Hanover.

felony conviction records dorsey h jones va

Let us work to mitigate or minimize the consequences of a drunk driving arrest.

Felony conviction records dorsey h jones va license#

We know you want to keep your driver’s license and stay out of jail. Get the advice, personalized attention and assistance that you need to fight back against the charges. Experienced defense attorneys of Barnes & Diehl, P.C., are well prepared to advise, educate and guide you through the legal processes that follow a DUI charge. If you have been arrested on charges of driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, your need for legal counsel and representation is urgent. Contact a Defense Lawyer With Experience and a Strong Reputation for Favorable Outcomes

Felony conviction records dorsey h jones va